Tuition is due the first week of each session. Session are 4 weeks long, 1 class per session.
Tumble Tots $74
45 min. Class - $76
1 Hour Class - $82
1.5 Hour Class - $92
2 Hour Class - $
10% discount for siblings and additional classes.
Classes begin Monday, August 29th, and are ongoing through Saturday, June 17th.
Our 4-Week "Sessions" are for billing purposes. There are 10 sessions in the school year. Enrollment roles from billing session to billing session. If you drop your gymnast, please notify the office via email or phone. New Customers can join mid-session, tuition will be prorated for weeks missed during session.
Membership Fee
$40 Annual Membership Fee - Annually on the Date of Registration
For the safety of our atheletes the following dress code is required.
PreSchool Classes (Tumble Tots, Busy Bees & Moon Spinners)
Leotards or biketards, shorts and t-shirts: Remember your gymnasts will be going upside down and clothing needs to be close fitting.
No leotards with attached skirts or bare midriffs. No hoods, skirts, tutus, buttons, snaps, zippers, or anything which might scrape or scratch. No loose fitting or baggy clothing allowed. No jeans or jeggings.
No jewelry.
Feet should be bare, hair pulled back and secured away from the face.
Recreational Classes - Girls
Leotards or biketards are required. Lycra shorts or leggings are fine.
No leotards with attached skirts or bare midriffs. No hoods, skirts, tutus, buttons, snaps, zippers or anything which might scrape or scratch. No loose fitting or baggy clothing allowed. No jeans or jeggings.
No jewelry. If your gymnast wears earrings - SMALL POSTS ONLY - no hoops.
Feet should be bare, hair pulled back and secured away from the face.
Recreational Classes - Boys
Shorts and t-shirts: Remember your gymnasts will be going upside down and clothing needs to be close fitting. No loose fitting or baggy clothing allowed. No jeans or jeggings.
No jewelry
Feet should be bare, hair pulled back and secured away from the face.
Ninja Classes
Uniform shirt - for purchase at the front office
Membership Fee: There is an annual, non-refundable, Family Membership due upon registration and is renewed annually. This membership gives you discounts for Parents’ Night Out, Birthday Parties and Camps.
Enrollment: Enrollment opens in June for the 2022. Classes begin August 39th and run through June 17th.
Tuition Payments: Tuition is due the first week of each 4-Week Billing Session. Payments not received by the first week of each session will automatically be charged a $15 fee, unless prior arrangements are made with the office. If tuition is still not paid by the end of the second week of the session, student(s) will not be allowed in class, and may be dropped from the program. Pro-Rating classes only occurs upon joining a class after session has started, or if we are closed due to a holiday.
Adds, Drops & Transfers: All adds, drops and transfers will be effective at the time of written notification to the office staff. If a class is dropped after the next billing session has begun, you remain responsible for the full 4-weeks. No Cash, check or credit card refunds will be given. A credit on your account may be offered in the event of an injury or prolonged illness.
Attendance: Please make sure that your child arrives on-time for their classes to ensure they warm up properly. Instructors go from one class to the next, so please pick-up your child promptly. In case of emergency contact the office to assure your child is supervised until your arrival.
Make-up classes: To maintain our gymnast:coach ratio and avoid overcrowding of classes all make-ups must be scheduled in advance. Only one absence per session qualifies for a make-up. You will have 8-weeks to make up your absence. It is very important to us that your children receive consistent coaching and this policy will be enforced to protect the integrity of the program. We do not pro-rate for missed classes or substitute make-ups for tuition payments. Summer Session make-ups must be made up during the Summer Sessions, School year make-ups can not be made up in Summer.
Parking: Parking is available on the East and South side of the building and on the street.